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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Everyone else is doing it, so why not me?

Alright, I have 4 new blogs to read today from my myspace blog subscriptions, so I might as well return the favor to those people, plus it's been a couple days since my last and that was a stupid survey.

Beer is good. Real good. This blog is a little under the influence, so pardon any syntax/grammatical/spelling errors right off the bat.

Does everyone believe in karma? I think it kinda half-ass exists but not really (does that make sense?). Today was a prime example of it in action. Since Houston is known for red-light running, and it won't solve itself anytime soon, today when I was most of the way into an intersection when the light turned red I decided to contribute to it. Well, not more than 2 seconds after it happened a bird let loose the absolute biggest shit I have ever seen right in the middle of my winshield. I'm not talking "it ate a berry and then a marble came out", I'm saying a "12 oz. softball sized, lumpy, just ate a human baby--and I'm not talking newborn, but Gannon Montgomery--pee and poop mixture" landed right in the middle of my front windshield. I can't even funckin' look through it. It's so gloppy, that I didnt turn on my wipers b/c I knew it would schmear all over my winshield. It wasn't until a couple minutes later that I realized that if I didn't run the red light, my car wouldn't have been repainted with feces.

Yesterday I read the quote "Drugs are not the answer. Unless the question is 'what is not the answer?' ". Pure genius. I want to give the guy who made that up $5. Those of you who know me know that $5 is the maximum verbal commitment I will give/be..rrow/bargain/solicit in any situation.

I do have to give a shout-out kudo to Craig's List. For those of you who don't know: why not? It is a personals/job posting/free shit giving/want ad posting/ event planning super website that is specific to every major American city. Well, They recently have defended their position on not having banner and pop-ups all over their site. They only make money on job postings, but everything else is free and their users absolutely love it b/c they know that the site can easily sell out (like youtube) for MILLIONS of dollars. Thank you Craigslist.

I'm bringing back the "high-Five" People only seem to do it in sports now-a-days, so I want all of you who read this to "high five" at least 3 people today (or tomorrow if you are reading this at night). Just so you know, National High Five Day is coming up in a couple months. Better Practice up.

I'm a gambling man, but I don't think I would ever bet my name on a game. Maybe my hair, especially facial, but never my name. Some guy in Chicago is changing his name to "Peyton Manning" b/c the Bears lost.

Other random thoughts before I wrap this up:

-Why does Harrison Ford do that awkward "I'm too old to really jump" leap onto someone in every movie he does?
-I like drinking.
-I wish I could re-do my entire after-18 year old life knowing what I know now.
-How do 13% of Americans NOT know about global warming?
-WHY AM I ONLY GETTING FRIEND REQUESTS FROM FAKE "go to my webcam-I'm from nowhere and don't want kids-have only had my profile one day and Tom is my only friend" PROFILES? How and why are they asking me? Does this happen to everyone? Is it b/c I'm so hot?
-I should have (or should cureently) date[d] more.
-I wonder if I would have majored in advertising if I would have had an advertisement in the Superbowl this year.
-This is the first blog I have gone this long without talking about a specific "idiot incident".
-I hate mixed signals.
-I'm going to start calling Donald "Chocolate Bear" in reference to Scrubs (unless he kicks my ass for doing so).
-I like drinking.
-How is it already almost mid-February already?
-Today was the first time I bought underwear in (literally) I can't remember how long. With guys, they just kinda "appear" and "disappear" on their own.
-If I was a girl, my name would have been Jennifer. Jennifer Dapper. hmmm....I bet I would have been hot.
-My hair right now is literally the longest it has ever been. I don't care what "someone" says, I'm not cutting it b/c I want to see where it goes.
-I wish it were societically okay to tell someone that you don't like them, you wish they don't have a good weekend and that it was not nice to meet them.
-I am of "no political party". Everyone should be like me. And in that way more than others.
-I like drinking.

Well,s that 's all for now boys and girls. See you next time. Tell me what you think of this blog entry with your comments. I wonder if anyone will ever even read this...Hmmm.
Oh well.

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