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Sunday, May 6, 2007

I'm getting old, I'm newly single, and going to San Antonio. Welcome to my rollercoaster life.


OK, for those of you who haven't noticed, it's been a while since my last rant. However, I haven't been in the mood lately b/c Chris and I broke up.
Who knows if we'll get back together in the long run, but we have been on the rocks for a while and her new job putting distance between us didn't help. Of course, I went up there last month with an "it's over or it's on for good" mindset and after a good talk, I thought it was the latter. But, it's wasn't and I am only now accepting it enough to talk about it, but thanks for everyone's support who I have told. 5 years is a long time and I haven't ever really "dated" so it's going to be a rough re-start.

Well, on the brighter side, I am going to San Antonio tomorrow to watch my favorite two college basketball teams play in the Sweet 16! Memphis plays Texas A&M in the first game and TENNESSEE plays Ohio State in the 2nd. Unfortunately, the only tickets I could score were in the OSU alumni section (and Texas A&M will practically be a home game), so I will be against the crowd on each while rooting for the underdogs. I am probably going to paint my face, but look for me on TV. I'll be wearing blue in a sea of maroon in the 1st game and orange in a sea of red in the 2nd. Either way, look for the fight in the crowd, as I will be there instigating it. GO VOLS!!!
On the darker side, I know my knee will be hurting as I stand there and cheer while getting food thrown at me. I sprained my knee ligaments in the last softball season of 2006, but it hasn't been until practicing and our first game this week that it has been acting up. I actually am wearing a knee wrap/brace right now. It doesn't match the ankle brace I was wearing last night, but that is the point where I realized I'm getting old. Insert "You know how I know you're old?" joke here.
Long gone are the days that I could walk onto the softball or football field without stretching, play my ass off, and be as good as new the next day. Now, I have to stretch everything out nice and long b/c if I don't I can barely walk the next day. Not only that, but I am getting called "sir" more than ever. Getting old sucks.
Anyway, there have been a couple idiocracies happening around me this week, but I can't think of them right now. Nothing that stands out enough to question the very fabric of the American education system, but I guess my memory is now fading, too. Time to take my Geritol.

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