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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Happy "Sicko de Mayo"


I haven't posted a blog for a while (for those of you who aren't counting the days) and that has been primarily b/c I have been working my ass off for my big semi-annual meeting I give at work where I talk about my crap on which I work. In fact, I think I have worked myself sick.
Here's how the conversation goes:

Blog reader, a.k.a. you:Jason, I have known you for [years/months/days/hours] and I have never known you to be sick.
Me: Why, yes, this is true b/c I hardly ever get sick--to the point of maybe once a year.
Blog reader, a.k.a. you: Wow, it must be really bad if you are sick.
Me: Yes, in fact it is. I have hardly gotten any sleep and have had hot and cold flashes within minutes of each other. My throat is still sore and I am still not used to the sound of my own cough, since I never hear it.
Blog reader, a.k.a. you: But don't you consider yourself invincible?
Me: Hahaha, I'm glad you remembered that ever since organic chemistry lab in college when I spilled almost everything on myself (and numerous times in grad school) and have not died, that I do in fact consider myself invincible. However, I guess it couldn't have lasted forever.
Blog reader, a.k.a. you: Well, do you think you'll be ok?
Me: yes, I think I am finally getting over it and the probability of me going to the Memphis in May BBQ Cookoff in a couple weeks is down-right willing my body to conquer this thing.
Blog reader, a.k.a. you: I'm glad to hear that. I'll make sure to buy you a beer next time we're out.

By the way, my meeting could have gone better. Not b/c I was sick during it, but b/c my committee wants me to work on an aspect of my project that I do not want to do, all while I am piled higher and deeper (p.h.d.) with the first aspect of my project that is more important to me.

Outside of work and my couch/bed/floor, a.k.a. the real world, I have noticed a couple other things I like/dislike as of late:
Dislike:All the bad driving in Houston. I swear, it's like they don't teach the proper way to work 4-way stops here. Either the people run them and almost kill me (and get the worst "evil eye" from me I have ever given) or they stop and wait and wait and wait and then they only try to go once I get tired of waiting for them and I start driving.
Like: the Dos XX commercials talking about "the most interesting man on Earth" and how he drinks Dos XX when he drinks beer. The radio commercial is better than the TV one, but both are funny.
Dislike: the constant movie sequels. I will see Spiderman (b/c I am a sucker), maybe Borne Ultimatum/28 weeks later, but I will not see Rush Hour 3, Shrek 3, Oceans 13, Pirates or Caribbean 3, new Harry Potter, Fantastic Four 2, Evan Almighty, Hostel 2, Die Hard 4, Resident Evil 3, or whatever else they decide to remake. WTF, hollywood? [Technically Jason here should not be mad at Hollywood, but at the dumbass American movie-going public who refuses to see original stuff, a la Grindhouse, and sets records seeing remakes of the same crap with a new name on it]. By the way, did you know there are 3 more spidermans in the works, along with ANOTHER f-in' Hulk movie remake?!?!?!?!?!
Like:I saw a bird the other day eating fried chicken. Kinda ironical (yes, that is a real word).
Dislike:Companies that do not think about their company names when they create them. There is an electrical company here in Houston called "S&M Electric" and chemical/pumping company called BJ Services. Come on, people!

Well, that's all for now. These bad 2:30 am TV shows won't watch themselves.

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